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Organic Coconut Sap Sugar

How Organic Coconut Sap Sugar is made?

Coconut sap sugar is the most natural sweetener around because the process only takes 2 steps. It is made from the sap of the tree and not from the coconut. A cut is made on the flower of the coconut palm tree and the liquid sap is collected into containers. From there, the sap is placed under the heat at high temperature for a long period until most of the water has evaporated. After it has been dried and crystallised, the sap is broken apart into granules that resemble regular sugar. 

The End Product

Coconut sap sugar is brown and granulated, its color is similar to that of raw sugar but the particle size is typically smaller or more variable. It can be completely dissolved in the mouth immediately and can even be mixed into simple syrups, creams and butter and eggs while baking! 



The Taste and The Nutrients

Even though coconut sap sugar is 100% made from coconut sap, surprisingly, it tastes nothing like the coconut fruit itself! The taste is more similar to a mild caramel flavour. The sap is impressively nutritious with minerals like zinc and iron, essential for human immune function, as well as antioxidants that prevent cell damage. Coconut sugar contains healthy fats that are known to help prevent high cholesterol and heart disease.



See How The Coconut Sugar Is Produced

Low Glycemic Index

The GI of coconut sap sugar is as low as 35 while cane sugar is 65. Because of its low glycemic index, it makes it a healthy sweetener for all age groups. The sap sugar also contains inulin, a type of soluble fiber that may induce a delay in glucose absorption in the gut. This is why coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index (GI) than normal sugar. Inulin also is considered a prebiotic, meaning it is the preferred food for good gut bacteria and may help foster a healthy gut microbiome. Foods containing inulin can be healthy choices for people with diabetes.


Who Benefits from a Low GI Diet? 

  • Diabetes

Clinical studies have shown that a low-GI diet can help people with diabetes control blood glucose levels. Eating low-glycemic foods is one tool to help keep your diabetes under control. Having low GI diet can maintain the blood sugar stable and will have less pressure on the pancreas, organ that produces insulin, responsible for regulating blood glucose levels.



  •  Weight Control

 Researchers found that diets with a high GI from eating refined grains, starches and sugars were associated with more weight gain. Other studies show that a low GI diet may also promote weight loss and help maintain weight loss. The high fluctuation of blood sugar from high GI diet will in turn cause the release of more insulin hormone to turn the glucose into fat. As such, to maintain stable blood sugar level is a key to control the weight.


  • People Who Need To Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

The high fluctuation of blood sugar from high GI diet will in turn cause the release of more insulin hormones to reduce blood sugar immediately. This will cause fluctuation of blood sugar supply to the brain and in turn affect the concentration and memory. This is especially important for kids as high GI will tend to worsen the hyperactive behaviour and also study concentration. 


  • People Looking For Healthy Lifestyle

    People all around the world are rapidly switching to healthier sugar variants after learning about the harmful effects of white sugar. For instance, regular sugar does not project any nutritional value in it, whereas that is not the case with coconut sugar. Replacing white sugar with coconut sap sugar in your diet could be a means to lose weight and prevent chronic diseases related to obesity such as diabetes, liver problems and cardiovascular disease. Coconut sap sugar has benefits to make you switch to it permanently! 

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